Most unusual games Archives - Decepti-5e-games Unusual and interesting computer games Thu, 02 Nov 2023 15:19:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Most unusual games Archives - Decepti-5e-games 32 32 Which WOW Expansion Gives the Most Gold Opportunities? Thu, 02 Nov 2023 15:18:29 +0000 For World of Warcraft players gold represents power, status, and access to the finest luxuries Azeroth has to offer. But where does all that wealth come from? Astute prospectors know that some expansions provide far more lucrative opportunities than others when it comes to striking it rich. Follow along as

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For World of Warcraft players gold represents power, status, and access to the finest luxuries Azeroth has to offer. But where does all that wealth come from? Astute prospectors know that some expansions provide far more lucrative opportunities than others when it comes to striking it rich. Follow along as we dig into the history of WoW to unearth the reigning riches age for ambitious gold farmers.

The Origins of Fortune

In WoW’s early days, gold-making was simple but slow. Raw fortune from killing enemies and selling vendor trash represented the bulk of earnings. Farming nodes out in the world to sell crafting materials made up the other meager revenue stream. Crafting professions themselves provided little income due to low demand and few profitable recipes. The Auction House languished with only basic commodities being traded. Gold making as a strategic enterprise simply didn’t exist yet for most players.

Meanwhile, intrepid farmers sought hidden treasure troves out in Azeroth’s nooks and crannies, striking lucky occasionally on rare recipes or materials. Occasional ultra rare drops like the Zulian Tiger from Zul’Gurub or the Ethereal Soul-Trader pet from Netherstorm provided isolated windfalls for the fortunate few. But by and large, reliable and steady gold income remained elusive during these early pioneering days.

For those interested in the strategies of this era, especially at the pivotal level 60, you can delve deeper into the methods and locations with this comprehensive guide: How to Farm Gold at 60 in WoW.

The Pandaria Gold Rush 

But all of that changed with the arrival of the Mists of Pandaria. This exotic eastern kingdom brought with it an unprecedented explosion of gold-making methods and strategies for enterprising prospectors. 

Daily Cooldowns

Multiple daily cooldowns dazzled farmers with reliable returns on minimal time investments. Planting, tending, and harvesting the new Tillers Farm generated steady yields of crops and materials to sell at the Auction House. The farmville-style gameplay kept the gold flowing day after day.

Crafting professions gained lucrative transmutes like Living Steel for blacksmiths and rare gem transmutes for jewel crafters. Alchemists in particular benefited from transmuting ghost iron to trillium bars, wild jade, and meta gems for large recurring profits. These cooldowns rewarded proficient crafters with daily income.

New Economies

Entirely new gathering and crafting economies sprang to life, stimulating demand for never-before-seen materials and items. The aforementioned farm crops brought an agricultural economy into the game for the first time. Rare gems and ores like Ghost Iron introduced new resource markets at both the raw and crafted levels.

The brand new Windwool cloth produced tailoring items that actually sold at the Auction House since Pandarian gear remained relevant throughout the expansion. High-end crafts like spell thread tailored gear and crafted PvP blues drove profits for skilled crafters.

Fun Farming Options

For farmers tired of grinding the same old mob camps, Pandaria offered engaging new farming opportunities with randomized rewards. Treasures of the Vale provided chests full of gold, materials, and more which spawned unpredictably across the zone. The Tillers farm included fun daily quests rather than dull dailies which had players slaying vermin and delivering dog treats.

The Isle of Thunder’s rare mob camp and treasure chest farming rotation became wildly popular. Since spawn points and chest contents were random, each lap provided exciting variety and decent wealth per hour.

For the first time, WoW incorporated diverse, enjoyable activities for obtaining steady gold incomes beyond repetitive mob grinding and node farming. Pandaria made riches both accessible and fun.

The Garrison Gold Factory

Pandaria showed that innovative economic systems could make amassing gilt engaging. But the next expansion took things even further. Warlords of Draenor implemented the now-infamous Garrison system which essentially minted gold for industrious commanders.

Mission Madness

Your Garrison offered two main paths to fortune. Followers could be sent out on gold farming missions and return laden with wealth. During early Warlords, these mission rewards became so extravagant that massive nerfs were needed. But they remained reliably profitable, providing passive income for nearly zero effort.

Resource Empire

The second avenue lay in building a resource empire within your Garrison. A Lumber Mill churned out mountains of timber. An Herb Garden harvested bushels of herbs. Your Mine extracted thousands of ore daily. Savvy builders erected crafting structures like Enchanter’s Studies and Engineering Works to produce profitable materials from all those resources. Meanwhile, the Trading Post exchanged garrison supplies for crafting components, sorcerous elements, and valuable gear upgrade items. An entire economic engine hummed away within those Garrison walls, printing gold around the clock!

Trading and Profiteering 

Your Garrison also served as the center for trading operations. Rare crafting reagents like Savage Blood and gear upgrade items brought outrageous early profits. Managing pricing, supply, and demand allowed merchant princes to establish monopolies on key material markets. Buy low, craft, or flip for higher returns, repeat! 

Of course, other players contributed heavily to market supply from their own Garrisons. This influx of materials allowed traders to buy and sell goods with shocking efficiency. Nowhere else in WoW history did raw capitalist principles combine so effectively with MMO gameplay systems.

By the end of the expansion, the economy was utterly flooded with goods, supply outpacing demand in an endless glut. No other expansion before or since has matched the sheer wealth generation of that initial Garrison bonanza. For a time, Warlords brought nearly every WoW player into the gold-making scene.

The Current State of Affairs

Today, the economy has settled into a comfortable equilibrium. Legion’s mission tables and world quests provide steady income streams, while Battle for Azeroth’s commodities offer markets players understand well enough to profit from. Raw gold farms and common resources sell reliably, but massive wealth typically comes only from lucky rare drops like mounts. Generally, rising prices have reduced profit margins across the board.

Will History Repeat Itself?

Will we ever experience another golden age like Pandaria or Draenor? While unlikely, it’s always possible Blizzard has another economic paradigm shift planned that will usher in unprecedented fortunes. Until then, farmers make reasonable, if modest, incomes through well-understood activities like world quests, old raids, and the ever-present Auction House. Of course, riskier, high-effort methods like mass prospecting gems or resetting markets can still yield big payouts. Dedicated goblins keep innovating new ways to earn gilt.

Remembering the Glory Days

But those seeking to understand WoW’s golden eras need look no further than Pandaria and Draenor. Never before or since have opportunities abounded so abundantly. For a brief, glorious period, everyone could make riches hand over fist, whether lion or lamb, tycoon or pauper. We may never witness such a time again. But those pioneering farmers will always remember those heady golden days when fortune flowed as free and fast as the waters of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

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How to Farm WoW Gold at Level 60: Best Methods and Locations Thu, 02 Nov 2023 11:49:20 +0000 Reaching level 60 in World of Warcraft is a major milestone. But better gear, new abilities, and exciting endgame content also require significant amounts of gold. Farming enough can feel like an uphill battle, especially for new level 60 characters with limited resources.  Fortunately, there are some lucrative gold farming

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Reaching level 60 in World of Warcraft is a major milestone. But better gear, new abilities, and exciting endgame content also require significant amounts of gold. Farming enough can feel like an uphill battle, especially for new level 60 characters with limited resources. 

Fortunately, there are some lucrative gold farming strategies tailored to level 60 characters. With the right methods and locations, you can start amassing piles of WoW gold to spend on items, enchants, mounts, and anything else you need to optimize your character.

Here are the top gold farming tips and locations for level 60 characters.

Pick Profitable Professions

Your choice of professions has a major impact on gold earning potential through crafting, gathering, and daily cooldowns. 

Crafting, Alchemy, and enchanting are top professions at 60. Flasks, potions, and enchants are hugely demanded items. Leatherworking and jewel crafting also craft several valuable items. 

For gathering, skinning provides lots of needed leather, while mining nets stone, metals, and gems. Herbalism offers consumables like potions and flasks.

Fishing, cooking, and first aid can also generate profits through in-demand consumables like food buffs. 

Optimizing your professions and using cooldowns on profitable like transmuting Alchemy and jewel crafting nets reliable gold from the auction house.

Master the Auction House 

The auction house is a gold mine for level 60s. But you need the right strategies:

  • Use Addons like Auctionator or TradeSkillMaster for pricing visibility.
  • Craft and sell consumables, gems, enchants, bags with your professions.  
  • Farm cloth like Netherweave Cloth and sell in stacks.
  • Win item bids low; relist higher. 
  • Search for mispriced auctions and flip items.
  • Maintain a large stock with reposting scans.
  • Analyze pricing trends to buy/sell at opportune times.

Explore for secure, immediate gold delivery straight to your in-game character. Learning how to leverage the auction house properly takes time, but greatly boosts your income. 

Loot and Skin Humanoid Enemies 

Humanoids like pirates, Troggs, and Worgen drop beneficial items like cloth, vendor trash, WoW tokens, and gear like weapons. Loot everything while grinding, then sell. 

Pair with Skinning to get lots of Light and Heavy Leather, Heavy Hides, and Thick Leather used in level 60 crafting. Humanoid mobs are plentiful in tuning zones like Hellfire Peninsula.

Complete Daily Quests

Daily repeatable quests are an easy way to accumulate gold quickly. Prioritize ones that reward gold directly like:

  • Terokkar Forest Skyguard dailies: Rewards around 7-12g total.
  • Netherwing Ledge dailies: Average around 10g total for a fast daily circuit.
  • Shattrath Cooking and Fishing dailies: Roughly 9-11g each day. 
  • Isle of Quel’Danas dailies: Up to 2g each, with a total circuit paying around 10-15g.
  • Doing available profitable dailies builds steady passive income that adds up quickly.

Run Dungeons and Raids

Running dungeons and raids nets you gold from boss drops, Bind on Equip gear, crafting patterns, and TCG loot items. You can sell all of these. 

Dungeons like Hellfire Ramparts, Blood Furnace, and Shattered Halls are profitable. Raids like Karazhan, Magtheridon’s Lair, and Serpentshrine Cavern work well. Zul’Aman and Gruul’s Lair are also great choices.

Using the Group Finder makes assembling groups easy. Repeat dungeon clears efficiently during the hourly instance cap.

Grow and Harvest Fel Lotus

Fel Lotus is used in high-level crafting, so it sells extremely well. But it has a long respawn time.

You can speed up farming Fel Lotus in Hellfire Peninsula significantly by finding spawn points and planting your own seeds. 

  • Find spawn locations in Hellfire pools.
  • Clear nearby mobs so you can safely plant seeds.  
  • Plant your own Fel Lotus seeds and harvest once grown.

With this strategy you can generate 10-15 Fel Lotus per hour, yielding 50-100g in profits.

Summon World Bosses

Summonable world bosses like Doom Lord Kazzak and Doomwalker are loot pinatas, dropping highly valuable epics like raiding gear and TCG items. While summon items cost gold, drops can yield huge paydays.

Farm mobs to get items like Flawless Draenethyst Sphere and Pristine Black Diamond to summon bosses. Team with other players to quickly down the bosses and collect loot. Split the profits.

Getting an epic Bind on Equip drop from a world boss can bring 500-5000g or even more gold at level 60.

Farm Thorium Ore and Arcane Crystals  

Thorium Ore stays highly valued at 60 for crafting, as does Arcane Crystal. The best place to mine these is Silithus. You can earn 150-200 gold per hour farming Thorium Ore here. Scout the underground tunnels following circular routes. Arkane Crystals also drop from Rich Thorium Veins. Selling Thorium Ore in stacks of 10-20 and Arcane Crystals individually maximizes profits.

Farm Satyrs for Demonic Runes

Demonic Runes drop from satyrs and felguards in zones like Azshara and Felwood. They are used in dark runes for Warlock class quests.

Stacks of 1-3 can sell for 15-25g. Satyr areas are usually uncontested, allowing efficient farming.

Combine with gathering herbs, skinning, or mining in these zones. Demonic Rune drops add nice side income on top of other farms.

Grind Basilisks for Pristine Hide

Basilisks have a chance to drop Pristine Hide, which is needed for high-level leatherworking and sells very well. The bay basilisks in Blasted Lands are a great target.

You can earn around 100-150g per hour killing basilisks. Plus you gain vendor trash, cloth, and savory delight recipe drops.

Having a skinner to skin the basilisks for hides enhances profits further. The bay is rarely farmed, so you can grind without lots of competition.

Level 60 is when dedicated gold farming becomes quite viable. Use these tips and locations to start building your WoW wealth. With enough effort, you’ll afford your Epic mount and gear in no time!

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How to Find the Best Computer Game on Your Favorite Online Casino Mon, 19 Sep 2022 07:09:01 +0000 If you are familiar with online casinos, you know how pleasing and satisfying it can be to make a deposit and get playing. Many players don’t pay much attention to the type of game they play, as long as they win. However, if you play more often, finding the best

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If you are familiar with online casinos, you know how pleasing and satisfying it can be to make a deposit and get playing. Many players don’t pay much attention to the type of game they play, as long as they win. However, if you play more often, finding the best game for your interests is important. 

Knowing the various types of games available and the factors that influence them to be the best can increase your chances of winning and the amount you gain in online gaming. Follow this guide to find out how to find the best computer game.

Choose a Reputable Online Casino

Before choosing an online casino, take some time to check out its reputation and history. Many websites review different casinos to find out which ones work well and which don’t. 

The best way to find out about these websites is by searching for them using Google or Bing search engines. You can also ask your friends or family members if they know any good websites where they can find reviews on different casinos.

Take Into Account Your Gaming Style

When looking for the best computer game at your favorite online casino, it is important to consider your gaming style. Many different types of games are available at online casinos, including slots, table games, and video poker. Each type of game has its own set of rules and strategies that you need to understand before you start playing.

If you have no experience with video poker or table games, starting with a slot machine is best. Slots are easy to play, cost little money, and do not require any strategy or skill to win. However, slots can also be addictive because they offer huge jackpots and other features that keep people playing them until they run out of money!

If you are looking for a more challenging game that also offers a chance to win big money, check out video poker machines. Video poker machines allow players to decide how much they want to wager each time and what kind of hand they would like their hand made up from the cards that are dealt out by the machine. 

Players who want more control over their hands should choose this type of game instead of slots. That’s because more freedom is involved in deciding what happens during each round of play.

Analyze Bonuses Offered on the Site

To find the best computer game in your favorite online casino, you should first look at the bonuses offered on that site. These bonuses are usually based on the money you spend on playing games. The more money you spend, the higher your chances are of getting a bigger bonus.

With this in mind, if you want to find the best computer game for yourself and make sure that you get maximum enjoyment from it, then you should analyze the bonuses before making any decision. You can also compare game types to see which fits your needs best.

Check the Payment Methods

Consider the different payment methods available when looking for a new game to play. This is because the method can affect your overall experience and how much you can win.

Many non Gamcare casinos offer payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, prepaid cards, and e-wallets. These are some of the most popular options, but you should consider other options, such as money transfer services like Western Union and Skrill.

The best payment methods vary depending on the casino you choose. For example, if you’re looking for an online casino with a wide selection of slots games, then PayPal might not be available.

However, if you are looking for a casino that offers live dealer games, then PayPal may not be an option because some casinos don’t allow players from certain countries to use this payment method.

Check Out Customer Support

A casino’s customer service is also worth checking out. You need to know that there is someone or a team who will help you out in case you have any problems.

You can ask questions and get answers immediately through live chat or phone support. The good thing about this way of contacting is that they are available 24/7 and responsive to your needs.

You can also contact them through email or completing a form on their website. This way, you know that someone will respond to you as soon as possible so that you can continue playing your favorite casino game at any time of the day or night.

Consider Your Bankroll

Your bankroll is the main thing to consider before playing any game at an online casino. You should always have enough funds in your account so that losing one or two games won’t cause financial problems.

If you’re planning on betting large amounts of money on each game, then it’s best to play one with high odds of winning. That way, you can win back more than what you’ve lost if things don’t go well for you initially.


The tips above can be useful for anyone who wants to find the best online casino game. Online gambling sites may have their share of disadvantages, but they allow players to choose what they want and don’t want in a game.

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Want To Enhance Your Computer Gaming Experience? Well, Here Are Some Tips For You Mon, 19 Sep 2022 07:06:32 +0000 Everybody loves video games. Whether you enjoy them by playing on your computer or your phone, you can’t escape the fact that many online gaming titles are available today.  While many games are for entertainment, others are created to educate people. For example, there might be a game that allows

The post Want To Enhance Your Computer Gaming Experience? Well, Here Are Some Tips For You appeared first on Decepti-5e-games.

Everybody loves video games. Whether you enjoy them by playing on your computer or your phone, you can’t escape the fact that many online gaming titles are available today. 

While many games are for entertainment, others are created to educate people. For example, there might be a game that allows people to learn more about history, science, or even geography.

You can use different tactics to have a better experience when playing any computer game. You may want to boost certain things up while slowing others down. In this article, you will learn tips on enhancing your gaming experience when playing computer games.

Ensure that Your Computer is Adequately Equipped

The most important thing to consider is the computer itself. If you are considering playing interesting computer games, you must ensure that your computer is adequately equipped.

A good processor and RAM are important. A good graphics card is essential for gaming, and you must also have a good monitor. A high-quality keyboard and mouse will also ensure you have a great experience while playing your favorite game on casinos not on Gamstop.

You should also check out the internet connection speed because this can impact how well your game works online. If it is too slow, it might affect your ability to play online games efficiently.

Reassess your Gaming Room

You will not enjoy the game if you are not comfortable. You must ensure that your gaming room is perfect for playing computer games. 

You should have an excellent sound system and lighting system in your gaming room. The lighting in your gaming room should be soft, relaxing, and soothing. It should not cause eye strain. You must ensure that no bright lights can distract you while playing the game.

Ensure that the room has comfortable furniture and a good air conditioning system. You should have a good cooling system to play comfortably without sweating all over the place. 

The air conditioner should control the room’s temperature and humidity levels so that you do not get too hot while playing computer games in your gaming room. The room’s temperature should be controlled automatically by an automated thermostat so that you do not have to worry about it at all times.

You can also consider getting an automatic humidifier which will add moisture into the air when it becomes too dry for comfort and health purposes. This will help reduce fatigue, headaches, dry skin, and other related problems caused by excessive dryness in our body systems from exposure to extreme heat.

Don’t Be Distracted

Some people are easily distracted when they are playing computer games. They may find themselves doing other things while they’re supposed to concentrate on their game, which can affect their performance in the game and their mood. 

If you want to improve your gaming experience, ensure you don’t get distracted by other things while playing the game because this will only lessen its enjoyment. One way not to get distracted by social media or other apps is by closing them once you start playing your game.

Choose Your Time Wisely

If other things are going on in your life, it may be difficult for you to find time to play computer games. Choose your time wisely to enjoy playing games without getting distracted by other things. 

For example, if you have an afternoon off from work or school and have no plans for the evening, take advantage of this time by playing a few rounds of your favorite game. You’ll focus more easily because there won’t be any distractions around.

Stay Hydrated

The more you play computer games, the more you will realize that it is important to stay hydrated. This is because playing computer games can be quite tiring and exhausting. You will have to move around and keep your eyes focused on your screen.

This means that you need to drink lots of water while playing. The best thing about staying hydrated is that it will make you feel better and healthier while playing the game. You will also enjoy the game more because your brain will be clear and alert.

It is important to remember that there is no one size fits all rule regarding drinking water while playing computer games. Every person has their needs and requirements, so what works for one person might not work for another.

If you get tired easily during gameplay, ensure you take breaks between rounds, allowing you to rest before returning to battle again!

Play With a Friend

Some of the most fun games can be played with friends. The social aspect is a big part of what makes games fun first, so it only makes sense to play with others when possible.

This is especially true if you’re playing single-player games, as they tend to be more enjoyable when you have someone else to share your experiences with. There are lots of games out there that allow you to do this.

If you’re playing single-player games and would still like some company, consider getting friends together and setting up a LAN party. This is a great way to get everyone together without worrying about anything else (e.g., transportation or food).

Enjoy Gaming!

It is important to remember that the overall game experience is more than the graphics; many factors create a truly immersive and exciting gaming experience. The point of this article is not to sway you one way or another but simply to remind you that there are differences among games, and it is okay to prefer one where you feel more immersed.

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Rocket League Sat, 19 Feb 2022 09:45:00 +0000 A player rolls around the field following the ball, happy to touch it. And when there are six of these players,

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In this game, each new player goes through several stages. And it looks as follows:

A player rolls around the field following the ball, happy to touch it. And when there are six of these players, it looks like a pack of little dogs running after the ball, touching it with their noses.
Gradually figuring out the game, the player stumbles on the button acceleration ( boost), begins to quickly roll behind the ball picking up other accelerations. Of course, this way you touch the ball more often, but you do not always hit it. At these two stages, you can turn your brain off.
As the player gets more and more comfortable, he is more likely to hit the ball. There are times when the second point is missed and then you touch the ball and it barely flies. This is called a sluggish ball.
Understanding the game even more the player understands that just pounding the ball is not particularly effective, you can screw it all up. That’s where you need to turn your brain back on and think about where you’re sending the ball. The diagram below is a good illustration of what direction you should shoot and what you shouldn’t.

It looks confusing, of course, but it’s simple, you shouldn’t hit the ball from any number by the arrow next to it if the number is red.

To summarize, the basis of the game is to move quickly on the field having acceleration and hit the ball so that it quickly flew toward the enemy goal. It is necessary to hit the ball well, sometimes at goal, then players from your team will trust you teammates and, will not take the ball from you, because of your uselessness.

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Goat Simulator how to become a goat without harming others Sat, 27 Nov 2021 09:48:00 +0000 Surely you've met the fullest goats in your life and at the same time there are many animal simulators, well - Goat Simulator.

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Surely you’ve met the fullest goats in your life and at the same time there are many animal simulators, well – Goat Simulator.

Goat Simulator is a game developed by Coffee Stain Studios in 2014. It came out on pc, PS3 and 4, Xbox 360 and One, mobile and Nintendo Switch.

Review Features.
This will be an unusual review without the standard “story, gameplay, soundtrack, etc.” Since the game is specific, the review won’t be by standard – I’ll just describe what’s in each part of the game, without dividing it into items.

It’s a pretty good menu.
In total, there are 5 parts of the game: the original game, MMO, GoatZ, PayDay and Waste of Space (school map and remained an exclusive mobile). Also worth mentioning that I played the Switch version and for some reason some of the things didn’t work there, and some bugs were fixed.

The original part.

Let’s start obviously with the original game. We show up in a little paddock somewhere in the countryside and immediately start doing goat stuff. Obviously the game is humorous and will be full of different jokes about different things. The main objective here is just to have fun, collect goat figurines and perform tasks in the style blow up a gas station or run on the front legs 10 meters. Yes by the way this map posfikshen bug with the endless running through the open doors.

On the first map of the village particularly nothing, but the second city map begins fun. Music by the way cool. And here in the second city broke the passchalk with meinkraft and crystal in the same garage (maybe it’s just me, because on the Internet I did not notice any such claims). And yes about the Easter eggs – the part of them that changes our goat and gives him a special ability called mutation. The game has a lot of them with completely different effects. Our goat goes to the city and begins to spoil the lives of people already there. In the city have already appeared different races and things for 2 players.

More particularly about the first part, you can’t tell – just have fun and suffer bullshit. Yes by the way the game itself is a bit of a bug, but it’s more of a chip. I think the original deserves 7 or 8 points, and then we have a DLC MMO.

In this MMO DLC will be a lot of jokes about MMO (and about usual) RPG. For example, there is a quest where you have to lick 10k things and what do you think? Of course I did it and got nothing but 101 levels.

Video proof of execution.
DLC itself is less than the original game, but not by much. Here we can choose the class of our goat and they are really different from each other. For example, one of the classes is a microwave that shoots pizza. Also, instead of tasks from the original, here are the quests that give us residents. In the switch version you supposedly get items for the quests, but they have no textures. Here by the way the inventory appears and now you can put there different things and even people. In general the DLC is not bad, but it is small and the bug with textureless items for the quests killed the joke a little 7/10

Next comes GoatZ, although knowing that we are crafting weapons from handcrafted items I would call this DLC – Goat Rising.

This DLC changes so much that there is a separate tutorial for it. Now we can turn people (and not only) into zombies, we get hunger and health, we can craft weapons, and our main goal is just to survive and do random tasks. Once we have a life, then now we can die and the results look at the statistics.

That is the statistical window.
Also there is a new vehicle, well, as in all the DLC – new mutations. We can make a bunch of different weapons, and even this DLC has the largest number of statues that you need to find. I think this is one of the best DLCs, because it adds a lot of new content 8/10.

PayDay .
And here’s the PayDay DLC.

We now switch between 4 characters – a goat, a dolphin in a sidecar, a flying flamingo that can control other non-playable characters and just a camel that spits. Since this is PayDay there will be robberies and of course the opportunity to buy a mask. Also we have removed the point system, and all the missions were replaced by prank, which is the main purpose of this DLC.

We don’t have PayDay’s original soundtrack here, and it’s a pity, but it’s like there is no soundtrack here at all. Also there is no map and goal markings, and it’s not convenient. Now we can drive cars which is cool. I think this is the most boring DLC of the collection, except for the change of the characters there is nothing interesting 6.5/10.

Waste of Space.
And the last DLC is Waste of Space and by the level of development it is like GoatZ. By the way, the title is ambiguous – apart from the space theme the game hints that this DLC is a waste of space on your disk.

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The Stanley Parable Fri, 16 Oct 2020 09:42:00 +0000 The game's protagonist, Stanley, is a worker in a large company. His job is to push the buttons on the keyboard as directed on the monitor.

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The game’s protagonist, Stanley, is a worker in a large company. His job is to push the buttons on the keyboard as directed on the monitor. One day there are no commands from the monitor for over an hour, Stanley gets worried and decides to figure it all out. Next, he, in the company of an unknown narrator, travels around the complex in search of answers to all the questions.


The main feature of the gameplay mod is the freedom of choice and non-linearity of the game. The player can follow the orders of the narrator, and may disobey them and visit other locations of the company. In this case, any player action will affect the ending, of which there are many.

Another feature is the Narrator. Stanley won’t say a word during the entire game, but the narrator constantly voices his thoughts, actions, and assists in certain moments. Sometimes, when deviating from the story, the Announcer will swear or get indignant, or just hint that the player went to the wrong place. At the same time, nothing is known about the narrator.

Locations and Endings
Office – The first location we encounter, Stanley’s place of work.
Break Room – The place Stanley meets while trying to find his coworkers.
Boss’s Office – The room Stanley visits when trying to question his boss about the sudden disappearance of the workers. Contains a secret passageway guarded by a keypad.
Mind Control Station – The main office room, located behind the secret passageway. Contains many monitors from which all company employees are monitored.
Mind Control – The room above the station that serves to silence the emotions of employees. Can be turned off or on by Stanley.
Crusher – A hidden room with huge metal pistons where Stanley enters, not listening to the narrator at all. He is supposed to die there, but at the last moment the pistons stop and Stanley is released. However, he cannot survive after all…

There are 6 known endings in the mod:

Freedom – Stanley turns off his mind control and leaves the complex.
Explosion – Stanley turns on his mind control, causing the nukes under the complex to detonate.
Crazy – Stanley goes down the stairs and begins to lose his mind because of the narrator’s actions and the repetition of the rooms. Another character appears at the end.
Half-Life 2 – Freaked out by Stanley not listening to the narrator, he sends him to Station City 17, trapping him and leaving him in a dead end.
Escape – Stanley is trapped in a room with a crusher that is ready to flatten him. At the last moment, however, the narrator, another character, saves him and lets him go. After walking down the hallway, however, Stanley comes out to a cliff, and the only way out is to jump down.
Reality – The Narrator tells Stanley the truth about his life.

Full Game.
On October 17, 2013 studio Galactic Cafe released a full-fledged and independent mod The Stanley Parable HD Remix. The game has completely redesigned textures, added new locations (Warehouse, Museum, Parking, Conference Room, etc.) and endings (There are 20 known endings, 5 of them are similar to the mod.) The story remains the same, but there are several new characters.

The post The Stanley Parable appeared first on Decepti-5e-games.

Superhot Thu, 11 Jul 2019 09:52:00 +0000 Superhot VR is a very popular virtual reality single-player game that appeals with an unusual format: time moves if only you move.

The post Superhot appeared first on Decepti-5e-games.

Superhot VR is a very popular virtual reality single-player game that appeals with an unusual format: time moves if only you move. Destroy attacking computer enemies by applying strategy and logic while time slows down. Many people refer this game to the shooter genre, but at its core, it is a puzzle game that forces you to predict the actions of your enemies, think through every move, control your reaction speed to dodge bullets and destroy your enemies.

The VR game will immerse you in a laconic virtual space, which is formed on the contrast of red, white and black colors. That is, in fact, you will enter virtual reality in virtual reality, wearing a VR helmet to test your friend’s new game. It will turn out to be unstable, so you will be offered a pirated version in which strange things will start to happen.

Superhot VR has two modes: infinite and competitive. In endless mode, you have to fight enemies that keep increasing in number until they overpower you. Competitive mode requires you to complete the mission in a certain amount of time with only one weapon.

There is a limited supply of weapons to fight the enemies, so in some cases you will have to break into hand-to-hand combat or grab the items at hand. The arsenal includes pistols, shotguns, knives and even ashtrays. Here, as in many shooters, the bullets are not renewable, so you will have to use your brain to figure out where to get them or how to take away the weapon.

Experienced players pass this VR game completely in a couple of hours. But in most cases the gameplay takes more time, because the short levels start all over again if the hero is killed. Challenging, but realistic.

The post Superhot appeared first on Decepti-5e-games.
