How to Farm WoW Gold at Level 60: Best Methods and Locations

How to Farm WoW Gold at Level 60: Best Methods and Locations

Reaching level 60 in World of Warcraft is a major milestone. But better gear, new abilities, and exciting endgame content also require significant amounts of gold. Farming enough can feel like an uphill battle, especially for new level 60 characters with limited resources. 

Fortunately, there are some lucrative gold farming strategies tailored to level 60 characters. With the right methods and locations, you can start amassing piles of WoW gold to spend on items, enchants, mounts, and anything else you need to optimize your character.

Here are the top gold farming tips and locations for level 60 characters.

Pick Profitable Professions

Your choice of professions has a major impact on gold earning potential through crafting, gathering, and daily cooldowns. 

Crafting, Alchemy, and enchanting are top professions at 60. Flasks, potions, and enchants are hugely demanded items. Leatherworking and jewel crafting also craft several valuable items. 

For gathering, skinning provides lots of needed leather, while mining nets stone, metals, and gems. Herbalism offers consumables like potions and flasks.

Fishing, cooking, and first aid can also generate profits through in-demand consumables like food buffs. 

Optimizing your professions and using cooldowns on profitable like transmuting Alchemy and jewel crafting nets reliable gold from the auction house.

Master the Auction House 

The auction house is a gold mine for level 60s. But you need the right strategies:

  • Use Addons like Auctionator or TradeSkillMaster for pricing visibility.
  • Craft and sell consumables, gems, enchants, bags with your professions.  
  • Farm cloth like Netherweave Cloth and sell in stacks.
  • Win item bids low; relist higher. 
  • Search for mispriced auctions and flip items.
  • Maintain a large stock with reposting scans.
  • Analyze pricing trends to buy/sell at opportune times.

Explore for secure, immediate gold delivery straight to your in-game character. Learning how to leverage the auction house properly takes time, but greatly boosts your income. 

Loot and Skin Humanoid Enemies 

Humanoids like pirates, Troggs, and Worgen drop beneficial items like cloth, vendor trash, WoW tokens, and gear like weapons. Loot everything while grinding, then sell. 

Pair with Skinning to get lots of Light and Heavy Leather, Heavy Hides, and Thick Leather used in level 60 crafting. Humanoid mobs are plentiful in tuning zones like Hellfire Peninsula.

Complete Daily Quests

Daily repeatable quests are an easy way to accumulate gold quickly. Prioritize ones that reward gold directly like:

  • Terokkar Forest Skyguard dailies: Rewards around 7-12g total.
  • Netherwing Ledge dailies: Average around 10g total for a fast daily circuit.
  • Shattrath Cooking and Fishing dailies: Roughly 9-11g each day. 
  • Isle of Quel’Danas dailies: Up to 2g each, with a total circuit paying around 10-15g.
  • Doing available profitable dailies builds steady passive income that adds up quickly.

Run Dungeons and Raids

Running dungeons and raids nets you gold from boss drops, Bind on Equip gear, crafting patterns, and TCG loot items. You can sell all of these. 

Dungeons like Hellfire Ramparts, Blood Furnace, and Shattered Halls are profitable. Raids like Karazhan, Magtheridon’s Lair, and Serpentshrine Cavern work well. Zul’Aman and Gruul’s Lair are also great choices.

Using the Group Finder makes assembling groups easy. Repeat dungeon clears efficiently during the hourly instance cap.

Grow and Harvest Fel Lotus

Fel Lotus is used in high-level crafting, so it sells extremely well. But it has a long respawn time.

You can speed up farming Fel Lotus in Hellfire Peninsula significantly by finding spawn points and planting your own seeds. 

  • Find spawn locations in Hellfire pools.
  • Clear nearby mobs so you can safely plant seeds.  
  • Plant your own Fel Lotus seeds and harvest once grown.

With this strategy you can generate 10-15 Fel Lotus per hour, yielding 50-100g in profits.

Summon World Bosses

Summonable world bosses like Doom Lord Kazzak and Doomwalker are loot pinatas, dropping highly valuable epics like raiding gear and TCG items. While summon items cost gold, drops can yield huge paydays.

Farm mobs to get items like Flawless Draenethyst Sphere and Pristine Black Diamond to summon bosses. Team with other players to quickly down the bosses and collect loot. Split the profits.

Getting an epic Bind on Equip drop from a world boss can bring 500-5000g or even more gold at level 60.

Farm Thorium Ore and Arcane Crystals  

Thorium Ore stays highly valued at 60 for crafting, as does Arcane Crystal. The best place to mine these is Silithus. You can earn 150-200 gold per hour farming Thorium Ore here. Scout the underground tunnels following circular routes. Arkane Crystals also drop from Rich Thorium Veins. Selling Thorium Ore in stacks of 10-20 and Arcane Crystals individually maximizes profits.

Farm Satyrs for Demonic Runes

Demonic Runes drop from satyrs and felguards in zones like Azshara and Felwood. They are used in dark runes for Warlock class quests.

Stacks of 1-3 can sell for 15-25g. Satyr areas are usually uncontested, allowing efficient farming.

Combine with gathering herbs, skinning, or mining in these zones. Demonic Rune drops add nice side income on top of other farms.

Grind Basilisks for Pristine Hide

Basilisks have a chance to drop Pristine Hide, which is needed for high-level leatherworking and sells very well. The bay basilisks in Blasted Lands are a great target.

You can earn around 100-150g per hour killing basilisks. Plus you gain vendor trash, cloth, and savory delight recipe drops.

Having a skinner to skin the basilisks for hides enhances profits further. The bay is rarely farmed, so you can grind without lots of competition.

Level 60 is when dedicated gold farming becomes quite viable. Use these tips and locations to start building your WoW wealth. With enough effort, you’ll afford your Epic mount and gear in no time!