The gaming industry has seen some major changes during its lifetime. From the arcade games of the 70s and 80s, to the first home consoles of the 90s, to modern day full-immersion VR boxes (that don’t look like boxes at all). As technology continues to evolve, gaming more and more resembles what we see in Hollywood sci-fi blockbusters.
High-tech innovations dominates the gaming world today. The best pieces of innovation in games have changed the way people play and treat computer games.
In this article, we are going to run through some of these interesting innovations that have changed computer gaming.
Increased Artificial Intelligence
A computer can beat the best human players at chess, Jeopardy and Go. But it is still a long way from outsmarting humans in other games like poker.
The reason is that artificial intelligence (AI), which makes computers “think” more like humans, has not kept pace with the speed of progress in other areas of computing.That may be about to change.
The AI field has been relatively stagnant for decades because it is so difficult to make computers do things like recognize objects or understand language. But recently, scientists have made great strides by combining many different techniques into one system called deep learning that can learn from experience.
The new approach could make AI much more powerful and useful than ever before.That could lead to amazing new applications such as self-driving cars and personal assistants that are smarter than any person could be.
Virtual Reality
Virtual reality has been around for a while now, but it’s only recently become affordable and accessible enough to be used in gaming. VR is considered one of the most exciting new tech developments in video games and it promises to turn the industry on its head.
Virtual Reality (VR) incorporates mainly auditory and visual feedback, but may also allow other types of sensory feedback like haptic. This immersive environment can be similar to the real world or it can be fantastical, creating an experience that helps users to learn about their physical surroundings and interact with one another. It artificially creates sensory experiences, which are generally realistic enough to convince the user that they’re actually “there”.
Voice Recognition
Voice recognition is a technology that has been around for decades, but it wasn’t until recently that its use in gaming became widespread. One of the first uses of voice recognition was in Microsoft’s Kinect sensor.
The device allowed players to control their games by talking instead of using a controller or keyboard. It also allowed them to interact with other players in games like Dance Central and Just Dance.
Today, you can find voice recognition on many different devices including game consoles, smartphones, tablets and televisions. Voice recognition is even being used in virtual reality systems like Oculus Rift.
These systems allow players to use their voices to interact with others within the game world.The biggest downside to using voice recognition technology is that it doesn’t work well when there are other people talking nearby.
Streaming is a relatively new innovation that has changed the way we watch TV and movie content. When Netflix first launched, it was only available on PCs, but since then it has been made available on smartphones and tablets and consoles like Xbox One and PS4.
Nowadays, you can watch your favourite shows on your mobile phone at any time of day or night without waiting for them to be broadcasted live on TV.
You can also get access to exclusive content that isn’t available anywhere.They may include behind-the-scenes features and interviews with cast members which are only available through streaming services like Netflix.
Gesture Control
Gesture control is an innovation that has made it possible for gamers to interact with their computers by using gestures. This technology has been around since the 90s but was not very popular until recently when Apple incorporated it into their MacBook Pro laptops and iPads. It allows users to interact with objects on screen by moving their hands or fingers in certain ways.
For example, if a user wants to close a window, they can do that by tapping on their screen with two fingers at once.They can also drag their mouse cursor over an icon until it changes into a trash can icon before deleting it from his device’s hard drive.
Cloud Gaming
Cloud gaming is the latest technology that has changed the way we play games. It is a type of online gaming, where your computer does not store any game files. Instead, it downloads everything from the cloud and runs on the internet. This innovation has made it possible for gamers to play their favorite games from anywhere in the world, without worrying about hardware requirements.
Cloud gaming is also known as “gaming in the cloud” or “gaming as a service.” It refers to playing games over the internet, instead of installing them on your computer or console. This allows you to enjoy high-quality graphics with minimal lag time and even play top titles like Fortnite or Grand Theft Auto V without having to buy an expensive gaming PC or console.
Cloud gaming has become popular due to its convenience and ability to allow gamers to access their favorite titles anywhere they want. This is especially useful for people who travel frequently and want to continue playing their favorite games while traveling or staying at hotels where they don’t have access to a desktop or laptop computer.

The Future Remains Bright!
These are only a handful of the many innovations that have changed gaming. The industry is always changing and innovating. Who knows what the future holds for computer gaming. One thing is for sure though, it will be more advanced that ever before.